
I have modified plans for, and started work on, some of the Gnomy conversions.

The first of these is the semi open tourist coach which now uses sections from three Gnomy bus top decks on a longer chassis. I am seriously tempted to model it with that sag in the middle!

The coach to caboose conversion will be pretty much the same as the “here’s one I made earlier” but I don’t have a Gnomy roof for it so coffee stirrers will be used instead.

The twin motored railbus will now use a shorter chassis (the longer one having been reassigned to the tourist coach). I think it looks much better in this format.

There are Gnomy two skip cradles without tubs, these both have modified Matchbox tubs fitted. These two hybrid skips, though shown above on On30 bogies, will be built as On18 wagons for use on Allt Na Ballt.

Again in Blue Peter mode, here are two I made earlier.

About Bob Hughes

Retired railwayman, life long railway modeller, lover of good beer and spicy food.
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